Image Charts (Deprecated)

Map Charts

This page describes how to create a colored map using the Charts API. This chart is a new, improved version that supports a larger map and more features than the older map chart (cht=t).

Table of Contents

Chart-Specific Features

  1. Overview
  2. Supported Parameters
  3. Zooming and Centering

Standard Features

  1. Chart Title (chtt, chts)
  2. Chart Colors (chco)
  3. Chart Margins (chma)
  4. Background Fills
    1. Solid Fills (chf)
  5. Chart Legends (chdl, Chdlp)
  6. Shape Markers (chm)
  7. Text and Data Markers (chm)


You can create a map with various countries or states highlighted in custom colors. You can let the map zoom to the proper level to display your selected countries properly, or you can zoom in or out to a custom level using latitude and longitude values.

Supported Parameters

Map charts support the following parameters:

Parameter Required or Optional Description
cht=map<opt_zoom_and_center> Required

Specifies a map chart.

opt_zoom_and_center - An optional string that enables you to zoom or center the chart on a specific region. See details.

chs Required Map size. Maximum dimensions for a map are 600 pixels wide, 600 pixels high, or 300,000 pixels total.
Optional If used, the data value will indicate the color of the corresponding country, along the color gradient specified by chco.

A pipe-separated list of countries or states that will be highlighted in colors specified by chco. The map will automatically zoom to include all the countries specified, unless you do custom zooming or centering. Codes must be uppercase. These codes are ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 codes: two uppercase characters, optionally followed by a dash and a second identifier for regions or cities. Examples: GB (Great Britain), GB-LND (London), US-NJ (state of New Jersey in the United States)


  • If chd is not used:
  • If chd is used:

Chart colors. The format of this string depends on whether you use chd. In both syntaxes, <unselected_land_color> is the color of any regions not specified in chld. Note that the dividers are different for the different syntaxes (commas in one, pipes in the other). If not used, regions will be outlined but not colored.

  • chd used - The second and later colors describe a color range. You must have one chd value for each country in chld, and the corresponding country will be colored along a range from <first_region_color> (minimum data range value) to <last_region_color> (maximum data range value). See examples in the table below.
  • chd not used - The second and later colors are applied to the corresponding regions in chld, in the order listed. If there are more countries than colors, the last color will be applied to all excess countries in the list.
chtt, chts Optional Chart title and style
chm Optional Chart markers
chma Optional Chart margins
chf=bg... Optional Solid fills (background only)
chdl Optional Chart legends



Description Example

In this example:

  • cht=map:fixed=-60,0,80,-35 - The chart zoom area is -60 latitude to 80 latitude, 0 longitude to -35 longitude
  • chld=CA-BC|CN|IT|GR|US-UT - Regions highighted are British Columbia, China, Italy, Greeze, and Utah.
  • chm - Chart markers for the flags.
  • chma=0,110,0,0 - The right side border increased to 110 pixels, to fit the legend properly.
  • chtt=Last+Five+Olympic+Hosts - Chart title, with + used to indicate spaces.

Map of five olympic host countries, showing flag markers.

A map showing France, with two regions highlighted:

  • chld=FR-D|FR-B|FR - Three regions are specified: Bourgogne (in the east), Aquitaine (in the southwest), and France.
  • chco=676767|FF4444|44FF44|4444FF - No chd parameter is specified in this map, so each color value after the first is used to specify the corresponding country. Red for Bourgogne, green for Aquitaine, blue for France. You can see that later colors do not mask earlier colors.
Map of France, highlighting two provinces.

This map demonstrates using color gradients.

  • chd=t:0,50,100 - The chd parameter indicates a color gradient. Here, text encoding is specified, which has a range from 0—100.
  • chco=CCCCCC,FF0000,000000 - Background color is light gray (CCCCCC), and the color range is from red (FF0000) to black (000000). The middle country shown is an intermediate color on that gradient.
Map showing color gradients.
Note that the map can be cropped inside the specified chart size. This is because we will not distort a map to fit inside a specified chart size, but we limit the map to the regions that you specify in chld. Therefore, to avoid cropped regions inside the chart boundaries, you might have to adjust the map size manually.
Square map of a long country


England is naturally long and thin, so specifying a square map includes a cropped area on the right side:

Square map of a long country


Adjust the chart width to crop off the excess. Note how there's still some cropping on the bottom that should be fixed by reducing the map height.

Square map of a long country


France is much more regularly shaped, so it fits more naturally in a square map.

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Zooming and Centering

By default, the chart will be zoomed and centered to center your selected regions, and make them fit into the rendered area as closely as possible, within the defined map size. However, you can customize the centering and zooming level of the chart in two different ways:

By pixel

To adjust the borders by pixel size, use this format:


Where each border size is the additional border to show, in pixels, beyond the automatically calculated zoom level.

You can only zoom out (positive values); you cannot zoom in (negative values) closer than the default zoom level using pixel zooming.


These examples all show London (Lat

No Zooming (default) Zoomed out 30 pixels per side Zoomed out and down to the right

Excess empty map on the bottom.

Excess map on the bottom.
Reframed zoom area.


By Latitude and Longitude

You can specify the exact top, bottom, left, and right borders of the rendered map by latitude and longitude using the syntax shown here:


Where <bottom_border_lat> and <top_border_lat> specify the latitude of the bottom and top borders, and <left_border_long> and <right_border_long> specify the longitude of the left and right borders.

Note: Because of Mercator projection distortion (basically, projecting a curved map onto a flat image), focusing on a tall, narrow strip can cause some unexpected size differences in your map.


The following examples show London (highlighted in blue) which is 0.1° longitude, 51.5° latitude. Note how there is map cropping because the map is trying to display only Great Britain (as specified) and fill the designated chart without distortion.

Centered Latitudes shifted +10* Zoomed by reducing all values




Note how the size of the middle image is a bit smaller than the first image, even though we've moved the same number of degrees up. This is because we're projecting a 3-D sphere onto a 2-D image. You would have to increase the width of the second chart to make it the same size as the first chart.

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Standard Features

The rest of the features on this page are standard chart features.

Chart Feature List

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